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Meyer, C. D. (s.-) to share. At this writing, only sites that have PR. Google itself, WC and Facebook are three of dem..searchenginegeniepagerank--sites.htm. Results SEO consists of several activities. Here are the main methods used to improve small business seo packages their placement in Google's hit results. A breakdown one can do is to categorize those that are either "on-page"- or "off-page" optimization. It is these two categories we will be based on when the various optimization techniques local seo packages are treated here. It also describes the most common unethical practices which violates Google's guidelines, known as "Black Hat"..


The various sources have been used to get a large span of the literature and knowledge available in the art

On-page" optimization. With "on-page" optimization measures referred to there website and its pages adapted over the developer himself can control and influence. Below lists and describes the main methods belonging to this particular "on-page" optimization. This is important knowledge for all involved with SEO and for readers to follow in the analysis and the discussion that follows... Keywords A keyword (eng. "Keyword") or a key phrase (eng. "Key Phrase") is in this context a word or phrase with multiple words that website owner has chosen to optimize its side utifrån. Keywords could be described as a word that captures the main content of a website and what the creator thinks that users will local seo packages search for. Choosing keywords is important to choose the right keywords is more important. The keywords should be words that reflect the content on the site and is sufficiently "narrow" to be useful to the user.

The book SEO Bible gives us an example about a site that sells specialty soaps. "Soap" is a typical example of what can be considered as one of the broad keywords. However, it should be included, but figuring high among reunion results for searches on just the word soap will be difficult. The book's author, Jerri L. Ledford, takes up the example of what he thinks would be good keywords such site. Special soaps, bath products, luxury products are suggested better keywords that give searchers what they're looking for. Misspellings and split compounds should be taken when the keywords bestäms. In addition to the competition can be high for short phrases with just one or a few keywords, it can be difficult to determine what the intention behind the search. If take the example of the search phrase "soap" we do local seo service not know if it comes to soaps in general, or if it implicitly referred to a specific type. You do not know what the goal of the search is.

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You usually often classify searches that either navigating (following a specific page), informative (after certain information) or trans active (after some activity, such as buying a product).With longer phrases are easier to interpret the intention and thus increase the probability that Web page corresponding to the visitor's preferences. However, they may see up to what is called "Keyword cannibalization" where multiple pages targeting local seo service the same keywords. The risk is that search engine consider it as a case of duplicate content (see..) and choose a page that For a page IMDb keywords would be like "movies", "film" and "Movie Database" Ledford, J. L. (s.-) Brother, A.

Index, while it filters out the rest. If you take an online shop for ladies 'shoes' example, one can instead of having multiple pages with only the keyword "ladies' shoes" in the title tag to create additional levels of keyword "women's shoes sandals," and "women's shoes Prada sandals ". The process of researching what keywords you should focus on and which combinations to use for different pages are one of the most important and time-consuming tasks in SEO.